Friday, 26 June 2009


"Time - He's waiting in the wings
He speaks of senseless things
His script is you and me boys" David Bowie

Time, is very much like Ben and Jerry's ice cream, no matter how much you have to start with there never seems to be enough left at the end.This week I feel I haven't stopped and yet have don't seem to have achieved anything either, the week has totally run away with me, so I'll be spend most of my weekend trying to catch up.

But there's always next week isn't there ?

Friday, 19 June 2009

model shoot

Kelly (above) agreed to sit for me a couple of months ago when I was looking for images to use on my now recently redesigned website. The two images I used were worked straight away but I'm ashamed to say that the rest lay in a file untouched until just recently.Kelly is another of my musical acquaintances, she sings for Wolverhampton based industrial outfit Tin Omen who have played extensively up and down the country touring with such names as Gary Numan. Check them out...

Friday, 12 June 2009

Would you still come to the dance, the day the music stops?

I often wonder what it would be like to live in 1950's post war Britain. Surrounded as we are now by technology ; Internet, mobile photos, digital this and that, automatic doors, automatic cat flaps come to that. The more simple existence back then does have its appeal, trouble is you tend to look back with rose tinted spectacles overlooking the hardships of to time, the long working hours, poor working conditions, coal fires, outside loo’s etc.So I ask you this...How much harder would life be, then and now without culture - music/ books/ art/photography come to that. Everywhere you look these days you see photographs/ drama - be it stage, movie or TV .
Indeed would life be worth living, how would we spend our time without those small luxuries ?
We would all become alcoholic sex maniacs !
OK, fair enough that argument doesn't hold any water, but you get my drift and so I offer you another of my favorite quotes, from the film Pitch Black ...

" it's amazing how you can do without the necessaries in life, so long as you have the luxuries"

And long may we wallow in our current luxury. Popular culture tends to be dismissed a trivial, but surely it is the elixir of life...

The photo's above are of The Beautiful Deadly Creatures, a sort of goth cabaret band. They may not appreciate that label, but i personally enjoy their show and the title fits for me. These guys are the perfect example of the freedom and luxury that today's society allows us. The more culture we have access to the further we push the boundaries, maybe technology and culture aren't that alike after all.

Friday, 5 June 2009

D-Day 65th anniversary

Many brave souls fought and died in the two World Wars, our lives are richer, fuller and safer because of them.
Although our generation can never repay the debt, we are lucky enough to enjoy the freedom they have given us.
So, be safe, be happy, grasp life with both hands and make the most of that freedom. jf

Monday, 1 June 2009

North East

So four days in Northumberland, i took this opportunity to shoot in RAW ( i have shot jpegs for the last two years ) the technology and memory card sizes available these days seem to warrant giving them another try, so off i went with two memory cards. I filled one with RAW and started the other with jpegs. For now the jury is out I'll finish processing and then decide.There's lots to shoot up in the north east so these are just a taster of some of what i did while we were away.