Friday, 10 July 2009

Life is short, no time for second chances...

It seems that I spend my life searching for the next improvement, wanting to be better at one thing or another. Yet one thing I have been personally guilty of in the pass is missing chances, opportunities i could have taken but don't, shots that I could have taken but then hesitated and missed the chance. When I'm in the "zone" so to speak , working on a specific job - portraiture shoot-wedding shoot-band promo etc I'm fine totally seeing the shots and taking them without hesitation. But during a casual stroll camera in hand, I have in the past been guilty of labouring and missing out.
The prime example of missing the shot for me and the one that is currently raging me, is the little urchin girl playing a penny whistle on top if the Eiffel tower, the perfect shot sitting at my feet and I walked past. An American guy behind me, throws her a dollar and takes the shot. Now I could have doubled back and maybe I should have, but would that shot then been forced, the moment lost ?
Opportunities placed in front of you are, I believe put their for a reason. I can't imagine reaching old age and thinking what if. So dear reader, maybe we can do this together and vow to never again miss our chances in life. Whether it be a shot, a hand shake or question that you really wanted to ask but thought twice about.
Life is short, but full of endless possibilities. Our job, should we choose to except it, is to make the most of those possibilities .

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